Nicor Gas Begins Deployment of Smart Meter Radio Modules in Northern Illinois

by K.T. Weaver, SkyVision Solutions

With little advance notice of what is really happening, Nicor Gas in northern Illinois is quietly attaching wireless transmitters to existing natural gas meters located at customer homes and businesses.

Nicor Gas customers have begun receiving postcards that say:

“In the near future, a small two-way communication device will be installed on the existing natural gas meter at your home or business.  The device will collect natural gas usage information and securely send it to Nicor Gas.”

In addition, at a Nicor Gas webpage dealing with frequently asked questions (FAQs) on meter modernization [1], it says:

Does Nicor Gas offer any opt-out or deferral options?

Nicor Gas does not offer an “opt-out” or deferral option.

You may be aware of other utilities in the area charging a fee to opt out. However, their opt out is only for a brief period and all customers will need to comply.

I consider the last statement above as false.  For example, in Naperville, Illinois, I am currently opting-out of a wireless electric smart meter (and have been for 5 years), and there has never been a warning that this opt out is “for a brief period” of time.

At the end of the Nicor Gas FAQ webpage [1], it states:

Health and Safety

This device complies with all FCC health and safety standards.

That’s it on the topic of “Health and Safety”?  If you have read other articles at this website, you can surmise that I am not impressed with such a simple and misleading statement as above.  The fact that the “device complies” with FCC guidelines is irrelevant to safety as the FCC does not actually have a standard for safe levels of exposure to RF emissions [2].

To expand upon this point, let me quote respected scientist, David L. McCormick, Ph.D., who was a member of the Working Group for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and who voted to declare RF radiation as a possible carcinogen in 2011:

“FCC regulations were driven by thermal effects, by tissue heating.  We know that any long-term effects of [radiofrequency electro] magnetic fields are going to result from effects that occur at non-thermal temperatures where there is not obvious tissue heating.

So the fact you are below a thermal level says nothing about whether or not there is any risk associated with that exposure.” [3]

As you saw above, Nicor Gas is not currently offering an opt-out or deferral option for its smart gas meter upgrade program.  But then it didn’t ask any customers how they felt about having a wireless transmitter installed upon their property or if they have any health or other concerns.

If you are disturbed by what you have read in this article and are a Nicor Gas customer, I suggest you call 888.Nicor4U (642.6748) regarding your opposition and demand an opt-out program be implemented.  If they get enough calls, maybe they will respond favorably.

References and Notes

[1] Nicor Gas Meter Modernization webpage on Frequently Asked Questions, at

[2] “Wireless Devices and Health Concerns, FCC Consumer Facts, at; simply put, per the FCC, “there is no federally developed national standard for safe levels of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy.”

[3] A Critical Review of the ComEd Radiofrequency ‘Fact Sheet’, SkyVision Solutions Blog Article, June 2015, at; the above article includes the following relevant video:

[4] Additional Information:  Per the link below, Nicor Gas chose a Sensus FlexNet® communication network and radio modules for its so-called gas meter modernization program.

The Nicor Gas meter upgrades are properly characterized as “smart” meters since the new Sensus radio modules enable 2-way communication, and the “FlexNet” communication system allows collection and transmission of granular consumption data.

Nicor Gas Selects Sensus for Meter Modernization Program, March 8, 2018, at

About SkyVision Solutions

Raising public awareness and finding solutions for smart grid issues related to invasions of privacy, data security, cyber threats, health and societal impacts, as well as hazards related to radiofrequency (RF) radiation emissions from all wireless devices, including smart meters.
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50 Responses to Nicor Gas Begins Deployment of Smart Meter Radio Modules in Northern Illinois

  1. Michelle G says:

    SkyVision Solutions,
    Thanks for your efforts. I’m curious if you’ve been able to retain your old gas meter? We still have ours, and are trying to retain it. Does anyone reading this still have their old gas meter? If so, please share your strategy.

    I successfully called our reading in to Nicor yesterday and they told me to call in a month with the next reading. Was very easy and effective. I would gladly continue to do this.

    • In a previous comment I wrote “In initially writing the article about Nicor smart meters in August 2018 I was hoping enough public support could be raised to, in effect, force Nicor to respond to public pressure with an opt-out option.” Unfortunately that did not happen and I am not aware of anyone who successfully was able to opt-out officially including myself. Nicor will eventually come on-site when you are not around and change-out the meter module. Some who have run out of their homes to obstruct installation were sent notices to appear in court for failure to allow Nicor to access their property with a threat to require payment of fees and legal costs. People always have the option to request termination of service. But again since Nicor did not face sufficient public outrage there doesn’t seem much one can do at this point. However, if you have been successful in just submitting periodic reads by phone that is great for you at least in the short-term.

  2. Bobby says:

    The meters don’t belong to you, they belong to Nicor. You agreed to this by paying your bill. Nicors meters + you agreeing to their service terms = their terms and their meter upgrades.

    • DC says:

      What I didn’t agree to is being irradiated by strong microwave radiation 24/7, failure of the lithium battery pack causing serious fires, like happened in Plainfield, IL- twice-in July 2019. Also, there is no way to tell if the transmitted reading is accurate, the readings on my bill are still listed as estimated. I highly doubt the estimated readings are going to be on the low side.

      • Bobby says:

        You agreed to a Nicor operated meter being installed on your property. It’s their meter. Not yours, therefore they are able to do what they want with it. Don’t like it, tell them to disconnect.

  3. Kim Bendis says:

    At around 11:15 am today 2 Nicor installers came to change out my meter. They rang the bell. I ignored it thinking they were solicitors. My daughter alerted me that people were walking to the side of our house, so I immediately went outside with our dog and asked what they were doing. They said they were changing the meter. I referenced the do not install sign and letter sent to Nicor and they insisted it was not a smart meter. They said it was not on all the time, reiterated that it was not a smart meter, reassured me that it was not saving data etc. When I asked them to show me the replacement meter, it was a Sensus meter. I explained that it is an RF emitting data collecting smart device. I requested that they not install the Sensus today and that I would call the company directly. They agreed, but threatened me with taking me to court if the new meter wasn’t on in 2 weeks.

    For the last 18 mos they have left us alone bc I had called, written a do not install letter above our gas meter and verbalized our wishes on their recorded line.

    Would the person who chained up the meter and is calling in their readings post a pic. Also, who did you talk to re:calling in your monthly readings. I currently call in my water readings.


    • Doug Campbell says:

      Kim, I had a sign, my meter chained up and was submitting readings to a Nicor online account-manage services-meter reading. I did not have it chained up good enough (make sure the chain goes over the dial section and can’t be spread apart) and they (two of them) sneaked in and installed the “smart” module without notice. Maybe you can follow through with the court procedure and post the results here. If you chain it up you have to do a good job of it, and they could still cut off the chain or turn off your gas supply. Nicor is apparently giving no leeway ( like ComEd) with a no opt-out policy and lawsuit threats. Good luck.

  4. Amy says:

    I recently had Nicor install one of these meters when I specifically stated I did not want one, all they keep telling me is there is no option to opt out but I am arguing with them stating it is not required by law. I think the media needs to be brought into this in order to make a difference

  5. milfs says:

    Nicor Gas surveyed its customers and knew they wanted timely data about gas use, which helped the utility build a case for creating and funding the program. One of the motivating factors for the program was the desire to eliminate the existing business practice of bimonthly estimated gas meter readings, which didn’t provide timely information to consumers about their energy usage. Nicor Gas presented an expedited schedule for funding the project as part of the overall value proposition. To eliminate estimated readings, the company needed to either double the meter-reading workforce or automate the process. With the business case approved in 2017, Nicor Gas chose to automate the process via a Sensus FlexNet communication network and radio modules placed on customer meters. [Editor’s note: Although the comment sounds plausible describing Nicor’s advertised goal, I am not aware of any customer who was clamoring for more usage data or that Nicor subsequently updated its website or billing statements to provide any more usage data to customers than before the new program existed.]

    • Kim Bendis says:

      At around 11:15 am today 2 Nicor installers came to change out my meter. They rang the bell. I ignored it thinking they were solicitors. My daughter alerted me that people were walking to the side of our house, so I immediately went outside with our dog and asked what they were doing. They said they were changing the meter. I referenced the do not install sign and letter sent to Nicor and they insisted it was not a smart meter. They said it was not on all the time, reiterated that it was not a smart meter, reassured me that it was not saving data etc. When I asked them to show me the replacement meter, it was a Sensus meter. I explained that it is an RF emitting data collecting smart device. I requested that they not install the Sensus today and that I would call the company directly. They agreed, but threatened me with taking me to court if the new meter wasn’t on in 2 weeks.

      Would the person who chained up the meter and is calling in their readings post a pic. Also, who did you talk to re:calling in your monthly readings. I currently call in my water readings.


      (From moderator: Regarding ‘post a pic,’ an image could be sent to website email address whereby I could ensure pic gets included with comment.)

      • Cindy says:

        I am sorry, but these people are all going to Hell for all the suffering they have caused because of their stupidity. I have been deathly ill since February of 2009 when I naively let them install a smart water meter. (I had no idea the new meter would be so dangerous. No warning. Nothing. Just a new meter.) I had a perfectly fine analog electric meter for forty-six years and “they” came on my property with no notice and … while just sitting in my back yard I noticed my meter was gone and something strange was in its place. When I complained to the company, they “assured” me it is NOT smart. They are all liars. Liars go to Hell. Just not quickly enough.

  6. MichOrlandPark says:

    I am furious, I had opted out of ComEd’s smart meter and then two days ago I got home from work and saw a postcard hanging on my front door saying Nicor had installed a smart meter. I called and was hold on forever, then I very politely asked for them to remove it. They told me no, I asked to pay extra to get it removed and they said it was not possible. I was adamant I wanted to leave Nicor for a different provider and the supervisor told me not only would they take out the meter but they would also take out the lines for the gas and the cost would be $942. What options do I have, any? Would they really take out the lines for the gas or were they just trying to scare me? PLEASE any advice would be wonderful, thank you.

    • Natural gas can only be “delivered” by Nicor in your area since they own the only distribution system. Customers can shop around for a different “supplier” of the gas based upon price, but it still has to be delivered through the Nicor lines.

      In initially writing the article about Nicor smart meters in August 2018 I was hoping enough public support could be raised to, in effect, force Nicor to respond to public pressure with an opt-out option. Unfortunately, that does not appear to have happened and I am not aware of anyone being successful in opt-ing out. I doubt they would remove the underground gas lines but could at least temporarily shut off and lock the gas line while removing the communications module they attached to the meter.

      I know of someone who blocked the initial installation of the smart meter module and then was served with a lawsuit to allow access to remove the existing meter at their own cost with the Sheriff present to allow reasonable force to retrieve the Nicor property. I believe the customer relented to allow smart meter installation without having to get involved with lawsuit.

      • Douglas Campbell says:

        For anyone that still has an analog meter-electric or gas-you have to lock them up to prevent changeover.  The gas meter can be locked by wrapping the meter with chain around the dial section. You will have to read it yourself and submit on the usual day it is read every month (the date is on your bill). I have been doing this for the last four months.  Two serious house fires were reported in July in Plainfield IL where the gas meters were on fire and it spread to the houses.  I believe these fires were caused by the lithium battery- used in the module- overheating with thermo runaway and catching on fire.  Just like the “smart” electric meters, these gas modules pose a serious fire risk.

      • Cathleen says:

        Dear SkyVision Solution, is there any way that you could coordinate getting the names of people who wish to take Nicor to Court? Just making comments on this web site goes nowhere. I Live in Darien, Illinois and CAN NOT have any wireless communication device placed on the gas meter or on my living areas. It is not an option, PERIOD. It is a matter of LIFE OR DEATH. I also have multiple medical doctors who have written “that it is medically necessary” that I no not have any wireless communication device on the gas meter. (or ComEd’s smart meter or att wireless router). There is such a growing amount of wireless smog in DuPage County – it is unknown how much longer I can even stay alive at this location. Did you know about a court ruling last year regarding Amazon? Amazon required that customers use smart phones to pay for their purchases, cash was not an option (just like Nicor is saying we no not have an option). The court ruled that Amazon could not use technology (Smart Phones) to block access of how people could pay for their purchases. Amazon must now allow those who do not have smart phones to pay with cash. Likewise, we need a COURT to order Nicor not to require technology (wireless communication device) in order to access natural gas on our homes. What is sad, is that to date, Nicor has not valued its customers enough to make/offer a reasonable accommodation to those with disabilities without having to resort to a court battle.
        So as you know there is power in numbers. I need to find other Nicor customers who wish to join together. Can you contact me by email with any names?

      • I made this blog post about a year a half ago to help spread the word about the imminent deployment of smart meter modules to be attached to gas meters in the hopes it would prompt enough public attention to the issue along with whatever efforts other people might make within the Nicor service territory. This is where I thought the public might be able to make a difference and why I said at end of the article, “If they get enough calls, maybe they will respond favorably.” Unfortunately, not enough public outrage has been mustered to make a difference. Based upon my personal experience with a Federal lawsuit (related to smart meters) with the City of Naperville I am pessimistic on a favorable outcome of a likely long and costly battle with Nicor, but if others want to contact me to give me permission to forward their names and email addresses to you I could do that.

    • Amy says:

      I had this happen as well, they threatened that if I did not want the meter that I had two weeks to find another gas service! I am furious with them, this is not required by law and there should be an opt out available!

  7. Laura Roberts says:

    One was installed on my home w/o notice. Totally ridiculous. I would have opted out like I do with Com Ed & their unSmart Meter.

  8. Cindy says:

    We are under attack. I have been deathly ill ever since I unwittingly agreed to a smart water meter in February of 2009. The constant body aches, headaches, unexplainable pains, general malaise, and no uninterrupted sleep will be the death of us all. When Com Ed came around I knew better and refused to allow them to smart meter my home of forty-six years. Now comes Nicor claiming they don’t have an opt-out? How dare they! These people belong in jail for their greed and complete disregard for the people’s right to protect themselves. These fools are all going to Hell for the destruction they have unleashed on an unknowledgeable and naive public. This is war and the hoi polloi don’t even know they are under assault.

  9. Pingback: Are We All Unwitting Subjects of a Huge Experiment? | Healing Heart Issues

  10. molly says:

    I just now stopped them from installing this. We don’t have the Comed smart meter, we refused it. Didn’t know this was coming too. The installer was a very young Mexican guy with perfect English. He was very quick to back off and said he was told if the customer didn’t want it to move on. I told him I need to research it first. They’ll probably be back to try again.
    McHenry, il

    • Rick Beckham says:

      I recently talked to an installer of Nicor’s radio transmitters. He told me these meters are not as dangerous as ComEd’s smart meters. I told him that ComEd installed a smart meter on my home when there were no receivers any where near my home. ComEd denied the meter was a smart meter, but I have photos of the inner workings of the smart meter installed on my house that clearly showed it’s ability to transmit radio signals. This was proven by my neighbor, a licensed FCC person that used a digital radio frequency detector confirming the meter was a smart meter.

  11. Rick Beckham says:

    Part of a pre-employment to a factory It was required that I have a physical exam. The hearing exam was I was placed in a sound proof booth with head phones. I had a button to press when I heard the signal, one button for each right and left ear. I sat in the booth pressing the buttons for some time. The doctor/technician then got up and went out of the exam room. He returned with several doctor/technicians and began sending signals again. After awhile, I was let out of the sound proof booth. They explained that no one had ever scored as high as I did in the country. Years later, as part of several disabilities, the administration law judge ruled me disabled where being hypersensitive to RF/microwave emissions. Under federal law, being hypersensitive to these signals in a disability.

    • Regarding comment that “Under federal law, being hypersensitive to these signals [is] a disability.”

      Sometimes when people make comments at my website I will give perspective where I think other people might be given somewhat misleading information. I have acted to help people sensitive to RF through the years, but the general impediment in getting help from the government is proving an impairment is due to the RF signals. I would consider it is a stretch to say by Federal law that being hypersensitive to RF (by itself) is a disability.

      At least in the U.S., what has been stated is: The United States Access Board, an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities, has stated, “The Board recognizes that multiple chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic sensitivities may be considered disabilities under the ADA if they so severely impair the neurological, respiratory or other functions of an individual that it substantially limits one or more of the individual’s major life activities.”

      So notice the “IF” in the above statement and the clause that would require showing major life activities being substantially limited. And unfortunately, certain government authorities would say those limitations cannot be demonstrated stating they have not seen sufficient medical research or scientific evidence indicating such limitations can be caused by RF, stating in effect that the “if” in the quoted statement above cannot be satisfied. … But if you personally were able to get an ALJ open to accepting EHS as a disability, that is great.

      • Rick Beckham says:

        Yes she did. It is in her reasons for adjudicating me totally disabled. I have a copy of her decision and will post it here. I was evaluated for hypersensitivity by Dr. Hart which he accepted in her decision. I used to have law this federal law as well on my other computer. Thank you for your response. I will get back to you.

    • Mike Curtiss says:

      Hey Rick,
      I read your Medical History and I think we’re kindred souls. Since moving to our out of jurisdiction DuPage farm-met we hoped to find a legal refuge from Government overregulation of all kinds. DYK, we’re treated much like the farmers who once worked this land? Different rules apply here for almost everything. We can burn our trash & our yard waste. There’s apparently no such thing as arrest for Disturbing the Peace. Rural farmer fence laws still apply.
      Nicor Gas has been trying to replace our old meter since 2017. I’ve told them to remove it, but under no circumstances will I allow them to install an RFID mechanism. Be assured, the servicemen seeking to trade out your meter doesn’t want anybody disconnecting their service; You’ve got to be prepared to call their bluff. First, let me explain the threat all of mankind’s up against, so you’ll defend your homes from this monster, because your lives really do depend upon it
      Let me remind you all of the Paradise CA firestorms And many follow on firestorms which burned out 250,000 people out of their mountainous CA homes. The utility held responsible for 58 acts of Manslaughters the Rothschild owned PG & E. After three years, nobody owning property in Paradise, or any other affected area of CA has been issued a Building Permit to rebuild their homes. … [Website moderator omitted some wording submitted by Mike deemed off-topic]

      I’d like to hear what experiences you’ve had. I’m sitting on my porch waiting for the Nicor man.

  12. Barb says:

    Nicor has filed a lawsuit against me for refusing installation of the smart meter. St Charles IL 60174

    • I have heard of utilities playing “hardball” but that seems extreme. Generally their approach might be to threaten a disconnect if you don’t agree to a meter upgrade. I’m not sure of the basis for a lawsuit and would be interested in more details.

      • Barb says:

        Yes, Nucor will file suit. It is a replevin case. Check Will county clerk of court and you will see the cases. Remember, it’s under replevin and not civil. Such BS!! People are force to accept these new meters. Isn’t this America??

      • cathleen says:

        currently we are being taken to court by Nicor in Dupage County to disconnect our natural gas (after over 54 years of being a good customers) We have an attorney and are fighting it. Nicor has ignored my medically necessary A.D.A. request and our attorney will make sure the judge is aware of my valid A.D.A request. I do not have a choice. If the Judge rules in favor of Nicor then we will be forced to liquidate our belongings and move out of Illinois and become refugees, homeless during the covid increase. Illinois residents do not know that Illinois residents were sold into slavery with the utilities being the new slave owners. Remember ComEd illegally paid for the law to be passed (our state senator was paid $38, 000 for her vote. So we did not have our constitutional rights for representation. Until enough people rise up and demand JUSTICE and the law over turned or at least declared unconstitutional, Illinois residents had better get use to being treated like slaves. Corporations are rewriting our laws to say : For the corporations, By the corporations For the the benefit of corporations, and at the expense of individual citizen liberties. Corporate lawyers even recently convinced the US Supreme Court that Corporations be granted “personhood” that they deserve some of the same rights enjoyed by its citizens! Like I said its a corporate takeover of America is well underway. Wake up America

    • SE_Chicago_Burbs_Guy says:

      Tinley Park here, i was told of an impending lawsuit, any updates on your case?

    • Richard Beckman says:

      I know there are some in my neighborhood that has opted out of ComEd’s smart meter. I also know there are those like me that are sensitive to RF and microwave emissions. I have been seeking those like me to join me in an iinjuction and declamatory judgment in a class of individuals. All I need is a list. There is power in numbers.

      • Kat says:

        Hawthorn Woods here. How’s the class action list going. Interested in joining.

    • c says:

      We all need to get together for a class action suit against Nicor

      • Richard Beckman says:

        I have tried to drum up interest in a law suit to stop the deployment of smart meters. I have tried my useless congressman to gain an interest into an amendment to the smart meter act that states ALL residents of Illinois must have them. I was declared disabled where the judge listed sensitivity to RF and microwave radiation is one of my disabilities. It can be done through the courts. I have not had time to pursue this as I am fighting a very illegal foreclosure.

      • D.C. says:

        I would hope that someone follows thru on the lawsuit to see what kind of tactics Nicor will use in court. It would be nice to introduce evidence, using the two reported gas meter fires in Plainfield IL in July 2019, and get Nicor to testify as to the cause.

    • MJ says:

      I’m in unincorporated St Charles. Were you able to keep your original meter?

    • Kim says:

      I wish I knew this was happening in 2018 in St. Charles. I didn’t realize it happened and now I know why I have become EMF sensitive and SICK since then. It is the meter. I would have been going to court with you if I had known what was about to happen to me. Now, I want to get it UNDONE!!!

      • michelle says:

        You can buy a faraday cage for your meter here. I did recently–

      • C Creagan says:

        Nicor did take my mother to court and the DuPage County Judge made it very clear to our attorney that if we did not allow Nicor to remove their $58 analog meter and allow the installation of the new smart meter, that the Judge would condemn our house (which mom owned- no mortgage) and would force us to vacate our home of 54 years!) At the time my 89-year-old mother had 4 fractured vertebras, on chemo for a rare blood cancer and a heart failure patient. Since there is no way, I could expect to survive we had to dump most of our belonging (good will, garbage dumpster including my mother piano, family photos, antiques etc), It was a severe downsize and a heartbreak for my mother and me. We moved out of Illinois for good – exiles. We now live in a very rural area on the side of a mountain and have to drive 70* miles for organic foods. Very poor medical access. Mom has not emotionally recovered from this traumatic move. America is no longer a free country. The free country I was born in is no more. Corrupt Corporations have taken over. Yes, Nicor is that Heartless and unamerican.

  13. Christina Giunta says:

    I called Tribus (company that Nicor is using to install their “Meter Modernization”) today and asked them how often this “Meter Modernization” is transmitting information. The guy on the phone stammered around a bit and said someone will drive by or walk by once a month and take the reading and that it will only transmit that one time. Then he said, the reading will be taken once a month between the 11th and 15th. He was not very accurate and did not make a lot of sense. He did not seem to know for sure what the process is or how these devices work. Or, maybe he does know exactly how they work and they don’t want the public to know!

    • The quickest response is that I would say the Tribus person does not know how they work. He seems to be describing how certain AMR “drive-by” meters work but not the “advanced” AMI type meters these are suppose to be. One of my other reply comments for this article provides more information.

    • SE_Chicago_Burbs_Guy says:

      I was told by Tribus that the meters use cellular technology very similar to comed’s “smart meter” and I was threatened wiuth a lawsuit and told they would peruse it because it is their device, I told them they do not have permission to access my property and the meter is on a gated premises, if an installer appears to install the upgrade he/she will be arrested for trespass and maximum charges will be filed, also am retaining a lawyer to speak on my behest, these devices are NOT safe, have NOT been tested and this will not stand!

  14. Rick Beckham says:

    I was just on Nicor’s FAQ for three different pages. I can’t find any reference to Health & Safety. Could you post the webpage? Thanks

  15. Douglas Campbell says:

    I found this information on Nicor’s website. Not sure if this is accurate information, seems to conflict with what I heard from Nicor personnel who said they will transmit to the nearest cell tower once a month. Handheld or vehicle reading would probably be ok with me, its the constant transmissions or a powerful burst that would cause problems and I would always be suspicious of the accuracy of the readings. “How Does Automated Meter Reading Work?
    A small, battery-powered radio transmitter is installed on the natural gas meter. Once the transmitter is installed, we will be able to read your meter remotely from a special device that is either handheld or installed in a vehicle. When our employee walks or drives by your meter, that device receives a signal from the transmitter on the meter with the usage data. Once the usage data is collected, it is processed through our billing system.”

    • I would say that the information in that link references an old pilot for AMR (one-way) type meters. This gas meter upgrade being rolled out is definitely a 2-way (AMI) “smart” type program.

      There is no detailed literature available for review by the public, which is part of the problem, but the information I have been sent via email indicates that the meters transmit to a fixed collector system once per 4 hours with hourly data. Generally, however, any AMI network also involves network management traffic (in addition to data transmissions), and I have not been able to get any information on the full profile of RF meter emissions.

  16. Warren says:

    Here in Sedona, AZ, we have found the similar looking gas “smart” meters to be transmitting every minute! Check it out:

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