TEDx Talk: “Wireless Wake-Up Call”

Washington DC Immersed in WirelessA TEDxBerkeley Presentation about the Health Impacts of Wireless Technology and Proposed Solutions

On February 6th, Jeromy Johnson, an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure, was featured as a speaker at the TEDxBerkeley event for 2016.  The title of the presentation was “Wireless Wake-Up Call.”

Jeromy Johnson acknowledges that the growth of wireless technologies in our world has provided tremendous benefits to society, but it has also created substantial health risks.  Johnson Talking about Smart Meters at TEDx EventJohnson explains how he became sensitive to EMF radiation in 2011 and recommends that we head toward a more wired world in the future.  He particularly believes that one of the best things we can do is move towards fiber optics.

“If smart meters had been designed to use either fiber optics or to emit just once or twice a day, … then I wouldn’t be standing here today and thousands upon thousands of people around the world would not have been injured by smart meters.”

The common symptoms related to exposure to wireless technologies can include those listed below:

Common Wireless Exposure Symptoms at TEDx

Jeromy added, however, that:

“It is not just headaches and insomnia, it’s much more serious things, such as infertility, DNA damage, and eventually cancer.  This is what the research is starting to show.”

Unfortunately, we can’t count on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to currently protect us.  As stated by Johnson:

“How is it that we have a regulatory body that’s not protecting the public? …  You end up having industry influencing the regulatory body.  And that’s what’s happening here.  So you have a revolving door between the wireless lobby and the FCC commission.”

To help protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of EMF exposure, Johnson recommends the following:

5 Things You Can Do Today

  1. Use Your Cell Phone Wisely (Speaker Phone, Headset, Airplane Mode when on Body);
  2. Switch to Wired Options Whenever Possible (Put Your Router on a Simple Timer at Night);
  3. Reduce Exposures for Children (Monitor Usage);
  4. Opt-Out of Wireless Smart Meters and the Smart Home;
  5. Create Safe Sleeping Spaces.

Use Cell Phone Wisely Screen Capture

On the subject limited to smart meters and the smart home, SkyVision Solutions has prepared a 2-minute video based upon a screen capture of the TEDxBerkeley presentation from February 6th.  What follows should be considered an excerpt or “trailer” sample of the full presentation which was just over 16 minutes in duration.

The above video is presented in the public’s interest for non-commercial purposes.  The full presentation by Jeromy Johnson as posted by TEDx Talks is provided below.  SkyVision Solutions has added images and captions to the original presentation for clarity.  This video contains material used pursuant to the Fair Use Doctrine under 17 U.S.C. 107.

The complete video for the TEDx Talk by Jeromy Johnson is provided below:

Here is a “Graphic Recording and Illustration” of the TEDx Talk by Jeromy Johnson:

Jeromy Johnson TEDxBerkeley Graphic Recording & Illustration

Source Material for this Article

TEDxBerkeley 2016 Event, February 6, 2016, “Wireless Wake-Up Call,” by Jeromy Johnson.  Also, this article includes information gathered through screen captures for the TEDxBerkeley 2016 event as it was streamed live on February 6, 2016.

“What If You Could See WiFi?,” Archived link at: http://web.archive.org/web/20131129162147/http://www.mydeals.com/blog/what-if-you-could-see-wifi/post

Jeromy Johnson TEDx Talk Graphic Recording and Illustration, by One Squiggly Line.com, at https://twitter.com/OneSquigglyLine/status/699814656878252033/photo/1

From the Press Release for the TEDxBerkeley Event:  TEDxBerkeley 2016 Event

Finding X.2016Find X With Thought Leaders, Visionaries & Innovators at TEDxBerkeley on Feb 6

  • Jeromy Johnson:  An EMF Expert, Jeromy is dedicated to mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure, helping to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution around the globe.

Note:  Finding X means looking to find solutions to our world’s imperfections.

From the TEDxBerkeley Website:


Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure.  He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution.  He has demonstrated that simple changes in our daily practices can go a long way to ensuring a healthier life.  Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years.  He became what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation.  Through the process of regaining his own health, Jeromy immersed in the available data on the impacts of EMF exposure, personally vetted the available solutions for protection, and created a user-friendly presentation which he has delivered throughout the world to inform others about how they may protect themselves.

Jeromy has also authored the book “How to Find a Healthy Home,” which helps simplify this complex issue.  His experience and knowledge inspire us to create new technologies and to utilize existing technologies in ways that are safer for humans, animals and the environment.

Copyright Notice © SkyVision Solutions and Smart Grid Awareness, 2013 – 2016.  Unauthorized use and/or duplication of original material from this site without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.  Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to SkyVision Solutions and Smart Grid Awareness with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
SkyVision Solutions represents that the material presented in this article makes use of both (1) the Fair Use Doctrine under 17 U.S.C. 107 as well as (2) 17 U.S.C. 103 for Compilations and Derivative Works.  SkyVision Solutions does not imply any exclusive right to preexisting material highlighted in this article.

About SkyVision Solutions

Raising public awareness and finding solutions for smart grid issues related to invasions of privacy, data security, cyber threats, health and societal impacts, as well as hazards related to radiofrequency (RF) radiation emissions from all wireless devices, including smart meters.
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5 Responses to TEDx Talk: “Wireless Wake-Up Call”

  1. Pingback: Wireless Education and Your Brain | Tina Davidson

  2. I get very concerned about the assumption that smart meters will not cause harm if they are hardwired, because there have been health complaints in Idaho, where smart meters are hard-wired: http://sandpointreader.com/electrical-hypersensitivity-a-disease-without-a-name/ and Idaho made a ruling that they did not need to offer an opt out because the meters did not transmit radiofrequencies.

    I also question whether or not having the meters transmit once a day is a solution, because the infrastructure is still needed, and whenever the meters are read, there will be biological impacts not only for humans but for nature. I think we have to go back to square one and re-structure safe electricity and clean water as essential services, and move away from all the grand ideas concerning surveillance, load shedding, chipped appliances etc,.and manipulation of the market, and cultivate mastery and presence,… in the present moment. Dr. Joe Loizzo, MD, PhD,

    • Jeromy was primarily recommending fiber optics which should be safe as compared to Idaho as I believe they use a PLC version of communications which still involves transmitting EMF over wires. I also understand possible issues with SMPSs within the smart meter. Of course the general talk was about wireless and Jeromy was attempting to raise awareness overall to wireless issues including cell phones, WiFi, smart meters, and smart home. One of my concerns is that it is getting harder to purchase devices that do NOT include some sort of WiFi transmitter for the home. Manufacturers just assume everybody wants it and things need to change quickly to reverse that trend. In one case I opened a device myself and removed the antenna which reduced RF emissions to near zero but not everyone knows enough to do that.

      • D.Cox says:

        EXACTLY!! In the UK, EMFs are being transmitted through our regular Telephone cables (usually old Copper wiring); so no amount of Wiring of Devices is going to address this issue.

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